Become a Licensed Angling Coach
ADBoS in partnership with the coaching teams from SANA, SFCA and the SFSA have developed and implemented a single angling coaching license for all angling coaches in Scotland.
This unique coaching license allows parents, individuals, clubs and local authority groups a quick and easy method of checking that the angling coaches they are using are approved to practice by their SGB and are currently competent in their specific angling discipline.
This license process has been developed in accordance with current child protection issues and coaching developments and is considered by all partners to be fit for purpose. The license will show personal details of the holder and will outline the technical competence for any angling discipline which has been approved and agreed as accurate by the license holders Scottish Governing Body.
This process and the criteria needed to gain the license has also been approved by the Angling Trust with the competence of holders of the license being recognised in England and Wales.
To gain an ADBoS Coach License the applicant must provide details of all of the following;
- Be a current individual members of an angling SGB
- Hold a UKCC angling qualification as delivered and regulated by ADBoS
- Have a clear and current PVG check
- Have attended Child Protection training in the past 12 months
- Hold a current First Aid certificate
- Have completed a minimum of 8 hours practical angling coaching in the past 12 months
- Be able to attend at least one ADBoS CPD event in any 12 month period
- Provide two character references
The license is renewed annually and current cost (2013) of the ADBoS Angling Coach License is £48.50. This cost includes coaching insurances of £250K Professional Indemnity and £2M Public Liability.
If you are interested in applying for an ADBoS Angling Coach Licence please use the ‘Contact Us’ section of the web site.