Secondary Schools Programme

Scotland’s first ever SQA certificated secondary schools angling qualification has recently been added to the SQA qualifications portfolio. The award will be piloted in 2013 in a number of secondary schools across the country.

ADBoS, Barony College, the SQA and Marine Scotland worked in partnership on the qualification development phase of the awards which gained SQA endorsement in June 2012. The SQA Arrangement Documents for the Level 3 award in Angling and the Aquatic Environment can be found and downloaded at 

Currently the partnership is working to develop the teaching and on-line assessment resources for schools delivery, initially for our L3 NPA ‘Angling in the Aquatic Environment’ award, to ensure that pilot schools are expertly resourced for initial candidate enrolments in September 2013.

The importance of this award to angling should not be underestimated for the role it will play in ensuring a positive future for our sport through co-ordinated and enthusiastic delivery by teachers and angling coaches. In essence this qualification will become the ‘hook’ for Scottish youngsters as an introduction to angling for life and as a viable vocation in adulthood.

The units of study for each of the awards are shown below with each award taking an educational year of study to complete within the school delivery calendar.

NPA Angling and the Aquatic Environment (SCQF L3)

  1. Angling Participation
  2. Aquatic Environments: an investigation
  3. Assist what an Event

NPA Angling and Fisheries Conservation (SCQF L4)

  1. Angling Techniques
  2. Aquatic Environments and Water use
  3. Sport Fishery Conservation: an investigation
  4. Event Organisation

If you feel that your school would have an interest in delivering these awards in partnership with ADBoS please get in touch through the ‘Contact Us’ section of the web site.